- Average length of stay: 6 Day
- Length of stay in hospital: 0 or 1 Day
- Operation Duration: 2-4 Hours
- Anesthesia: General Anesthesia or Local wirh Sedation
- Recovery duration: 7 Days

Face lift is an aesthetic surgery operation applied to eliminate wrinkles on the faces of individuals for various reasons. A facelift may involve different surgical techniques. A facelift can be spread to the entire face and neck area or only to individual areas. Forehead lift is generally different from face lift.
What Can Be Achieved With a Face Lift?
In the natural aging process, loss of skin and subcutaneous elasticity occurs in the face area and deeper layers, sagging occurs in the muscles and connective tissue layer. If the aim is not to correct superficial mimic wrinkles, but to correct the excess skin that has developed, less invasive measures such as treatment with botulinum toxin A, autologous fat and dermal fillers are not an alternative to a facelift.
With a facelift, the signs of aging can be taken back about 10 years. From this new starting point, the skin continues to age naturally. However, in most cases, it is possible to repeat the facelift after 8 to 10 years. Choosing an experienced and competent surgeon should ensure that the facelift does not cause a mask-like appearance.
How is Face Lift Surgery Performed?
Facelift can be done in different ways. It is mostly done under general anesthesia. However, local anesthesia may also be an option for smaller operations such as mini stretching. Mini-lifting is a relatively simple procedure that only makes sense in the case of minor signs of aging and does not lead to long-term results.
In most cases the temples, cheeks and neck are tensed at the same time and the muscles are shortened in this context. Lifting can also be combined with other aesthetic procedures such as eyelid aesthetics. The cut usually starts about 5 cm behind the hairline on the temple hair. It passes in front of the ear and ends at the nape behind the ears. Then the skin is separated from the underlying tissue and the connective tissue and muscles are corrected. Fatty areas should also be worked and shaped before closing the wound edges and placing suction drains on the wound site to expel secretion for a day. Today, many tightening procedures can be performed endoscopically. This means that smaller incisions are sufficient.
Things to Consider After Face Lift Operation
In the first few weeks after facelift surgery, swelling, bruising, tension and numbness can be expected in the treated area. The most severe swelling occurs 1 to 2 days after the procedure and can significantly change the appearance of your face temporarily. The swelling will decrease in 2-3 weeks. Permanent damage to facial muscles caused by nerve damage as a result of facelift surgery is extremely rare.
After 1-2 days, bandages and drains are removed. The time to complete regeneration can vary greatly depending on individual predisposition and the extent of the intervention. You should definitely allow yourself to rest for 5 to 7 days after the surgery. Creams and ointments should be avoided for the first few days after facelift surgery. Direct sunlight, heat, sauna and solarium are taboo for four weeks.
Swelling and bruises typically go away within 1-2 weeks on average.
Depending on the type of facelift surgery, incisions can be made in different locations. With proper treatment, a faint scar may be visible after 6 months. However, the healing process can vary from person to person.
After the surgery, smoking should be quit or reduced significantly. To ensure better tissue healing, the use of a corset and medication supplements provided after the surgery is necessary. If there is any regular medication use or chronic illness/allergy, it should be notified to the doctor beforehand.
There may be mild pain in the areas where the procedure is performed, which can be relieved with simple painkillers. Within 1-2 weeks, the patient can fully return to their social life.
The purpose of this surgery is not to create a new face shape but rather to restore the sagging and aging face due to certain factors to resemble previous years.
- Mini facelift
- Mid facelift (Endoscopic Mid Facelift)
- Full facelift
- Neck lift
- Full face + Neck lift.
There are different surgical options for. The answers to frequently asked questions about facelift surgery vary depending on which technique will be used.
Yes, it can be done. It is not a gender-specific operation.